Electronic Components - Fuses

Products listed are for reference only and are provided to aid in the identification of spare parts. Not all components are stocked and pricing is subject to confirmation. Sales will confirm both pricing and availability on request.
Ordering Information and Pricing
Part Number Model Number Description RRP
[A] M205 Slow Blow
1-7000-103-5 Fuse, M205 1A Slow Blow $1.10 U3
1-7000-163-7 Fuse, M205 1.6A Slow Blow $0.22 U3
[B] M205 Fast Blow
1-7001-103-0 Fuse, M205 1A Fast Blow $0.33 U3
1-7001-163-2 Fuse, M205 1.6A Fast Blow $0.33 U3
1-7001-403-6 Fuse, M205 4A Fast Blow $0.33 U3
[C] European Style
1-7002-103-5 Fuse, European Type 1 amp $2.64 U3
[D] M205 Semi-Delay
1-7003-163-3 Fuse, M205 1.6A Semi Delay Blo $1.10 U3
[E] Axial Fuses
1-7004-303-6 Fuse, Axial FB, 3 amp $2.97 U3
[F] Resettable Fuses
1-7005-010-2 Fuse Resetable 1-2amps $2.09 U3
[G] Accessories and Hardware
1-7010-010-6 Fuse Holder, M205 Panel Mount $1.98 U3
1-7010-020-3 Fuse Holder, M205 PCB Mount $0.44 U3